Urban New York

Urban New York

The Spring 2025 Urban New York General and Senior Lotteries are now open and will close on Tuesday, February 4th at 11:59 p.m.

Enter the lottery here. 

What is Urban New York?

Urban New York provides an opportunity for students in Columbia College and Columbia Engineering to experience the cultural, artistic and unique world that New York City has to offer, to connect with faculty and staff outside of the classroom and to make connections across our larger community, meeting students from across both campuses during a night of fun and entertainment. Through Urban NY you can win a free trip to attend a variety of events around New York City! Past events have included Broadway shows, tourist attractions, sporting events, group dinners, operas, dance performances, interactive tours, comedy shows, poetry nights and more!

Four lotteries will be held during the 2024-2025 academic year: Two in the fall semester and two in the spring semester. The first-year lottery is in the fall and is open to new first-year, transfer, visiting and combined plan undergraduate students in Columbia College (CC) and Columbia Engineering (SEAS). In both the spring and fall, a general lottery will be held, open to all undergraduate class years in CC and SEAS.  The senior lottery is in the spring and is open to seniors in Columbia College and Columbia Engineering only. Each trip will have up to 20 winners. A trip leader and a faculty or staff representative will accompany the participants. 

Ready to enter? Check out the rules and regulations.

Contact Us

Reach out to urbanny@columbia.edu for any Urban NY related questions.

Having trouble registering for a lottery?

There are various reasons you may not be able to register:

  1. The lottery may not be open and/or has already closed
  2. You do not qualify to enter in the current lottery (e.g. you are a senior trying to register for the first-year lottery)
  3. You are not a currently enrolled undergraduate student in Columbia College or Columbia Engineering

If the above reasons do not apply to you and you are still experiencing difficulty registering, please email urbanny@columbia.edu with your first and last name, UNI, class standing, your school and a short description of the issue. Please give the Urban New York team one to two business days to reply and two to five business days to resolve your issue. 

Note: It can take one to five days for the Urban New York Team to address and resolve technical registration issues. If you reach out with an issue a few days before the lottery closes, our team cannot guarantee the problem will be fixed before the lottery closes.  Please be proactive and register for the lottery well in advance.

Special acknowledgment is given to Dr. Arnold I. Kisch CC'54, and to his wife, Victoria L. J. Daubert, Ph.D., for fully endowing all opera tickets.

The Urban New York Program is sponsored by Columbia CollegeColumbia Engineering and the Class of 1954 Urban New York Fund.

Student Engagement


515 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-3612

Fax: 212-854-6972

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.