CU Safe Zone

CU Safe Zone is a 3-hour training session that provides foundational knowledge needed to support and act in solidarity with LGBTQ+ communities at Columbia University. This campus wide program was designed to educate and visibly identify students, faculty, and staff who support the LGBTQ+ community, better understand LGBTQ+ communities and some of the issues these communities face, and are aware of the various LGBTQ resources available to folks on campus.

Learning Outcomes:

As a result of participating in the CU Safe Zone program, students, faculty, and staff will:

  • Be able to define key terminology pertaining to the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Begin to explore power, privilege, and oppression (specifically cisgender and heterosexual privilege) as it relates to gender and sexuality.
  • Be able to identify strategies for building solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Be able to identify resources available to LGBTQ+ communities at Columbia University.

How to Register:

CU Safe Zone Open Sessions are being offered twice each semester for groups of approximately 30 people.  

Register for a CU Safe Zone Open Session, or email us to request a training for a group.

LGBTQ @ Columbia


505 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027


Newsletter Sign Up

Office Hours
9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.