Students and alumni/ae planning to apply to law school should register with the Office of Pre-professional Advising the spring/fall prior to their application. The Office of Pre-professional Advising conducts information sessions about the law school application process in the late spring and early fall and maintains a database of registered students and alumni/ae. The Office provides guidance to applicants throughout the application process. Students who plan on entering law school directly after college may register as early as spring of their junior year. Register with the Office of Preprofessional Advising and request a Dean’s Certification.
Registration with the Office of Pre-professional Advising
Preprofessional Advising
403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027
Call: 212-854-6378
Advising by Appointment
Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm
Prehealth Virtual Drop-In Advising Hours
Monday 12/9 is the last Day of Walk-in Hours for Fall 2024
Mon - Thu, 12pm - 1pm
*Drop in Hours are only for CC/SEAS undergraduate students