Spring 2024
Ready...Set...Goals! - A Smarter Goal Setting Workshop (2/9)
Feeling overwhelmed? Get your head straight with a goal-setting workshop from the CSA. We’ll talk about how to set goals, stay motivated, and tackle your to-do list. Come learn practical tips for breaking down assignments into manageable tasks, creating a study plan, and using your time effectively.
Hidden Curriculum of Communication (3/1)
Join our Peer Academic Skills Consultants as we discuss how to communicate effectively with professors about office hours, job opportunities, extensions, letters of recommendation, academic integrity, and more. We’re here to help you gain the skills you need (but never learned) to navigate the intricacies of communication in college.
Mastering Public Speaking: Tips for Effective Communication in College (3/22)
Do you get nervous when speaking up in class? Not sure how to respond to your classmates’ comments? Join the Peer Academic Skills Consultants to learn about effective communication strategies to share your ideas with confidence. This hybrid workshop will be presented in-person at Lerner 401 and virtual via zoom.
Preparing for Finals: From Abstract Stress to Concrete Steps (4/19)
Feeling the test prep pressure? Not sure where to start?
Columbia College and Columbia Engineering students are invited to join us as we discuss the best strategies for conquering your finals, from creating a study plan all the way to exam day. We will demonstrate tools and tactics to create your plan for the next few weeks.
Fall 2023
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Making the Most of Academic Resources (9/22)
Train Your Brain: The Science of Time Management (10/6)
- Speaking with Professors (10/27)
Deconstructing Constructive Feedback: Why We Need and How to Use It (11/10)
Preparing for Finals - Create a Study Plan (12/1)