Helpful Prehealth Websites

This is not an exhaustive list of links but instead a starting place for students and alumni interested in pursuing a career in the health professions. Many of the web sites listed below have links to additional information. The Office of Preprofessional Advising does not endorse any of the organizations or companies which might be associated with the following links. Additionally, we cannot ensure the accuracy or currency of the information contained on external sites.

Explore Health Careers

A free resource on health careers, enrichment programs, and financial aid.

Financing Health Professions School

The Association of American Medical Schools provides some excellent advice about managing your finances both while in college and then transitioning on to medical school. Much of this information can also be applied to students applying to other health professions.


American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)
This web site will contain information on career in medicine, AMCAS, and MCAT. It will also link to all individual allopathic medical schools

American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine (AACOM)
This web site contains information on careers in Osteopathic Medicine, links to D.O schools and link to the AACOMAS application.

American Medical Association (AMA)
This web site contains information on health policy and advocacy, ethics, education and accreditation. It provides access to journals and medical news and has a doctor finder.

American Medical Student Association (AMSA)
This web site contains information on health advocay programs, community and public health, health policy, humanistic medicine, and disparities in medicine.

Student National Medical Association (SNMA)
This web site contains information on community service activities and educational and mentorship programs

Early Assurance Programs

Mt. Sinai Humanities and Medicine Early Acceptance Program
This web site provides information about admission to this program and contains an application for download.

SUNY Upstate Medical University Early Assurance Program
This web site provides information about admission to this program and contains an application for download.


This site contains information that will help you think about and prepare for medical school interviews.

Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Medical Programs

AAMC Post-Baccalaureate Listing

MD-PhD Dual Degree Training

MD-PhD programs provide training in both medicine and research. They are specifically designed for those who want to become research physicians, also known as physician-investigators or physician-scientists. Please visit the official Web site of the MD-PhD section of the AAMC. This Web site, developed by seasoned MD-PhD directors and administrators is an ideal tool for applicants and potential applicants.


American Dental Education Association (ADEA)
This web site contains information on careers in dentistry as well as links to dental schools and a link to the AADSAS application. It also includes information on opportunities for minority students in US Dental schools and other related resources

American Dental Association (ADA)
This web site contains information on research and clinical issues in dentistry, news and education and dental societies.

American Student Dental Association (ASDA)

Veterinary Medicine

American Association of Veterinary Colleges (AAVMC)
This web site contains information on careers in veterinary medicine, admission to vet school, link to the VMCAS, and other helpful information for pre-vet students.

American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA)
This web site contains a veterinary medical journal and other relevant information about the field.

Veterinary Medical College Application Service (VMCAS)

Other Allied Health Professions

Nurse Practioner

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners

Occupational Therapy

American Occupational Therapy Association


American Academy of Optometry

American Optometric Association

Association of Schools and Colleges of Optometry


American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy

Physician Assistant

American Academy of PhysicIan Assistants

Central Application Service Physician Assistants (CASPA) 

Physical Therapy

American Physical Therapy Association

Physical Therapy Centralized Application Service (PTCAS)


American Podiatric Medical Association

American Association of Colleges of Podiatric Medicine

Public Health

American Public Health Association

Schools Of Public Health Application Service (SOPHAS) 

Admission Testing Services





Test Prep Companies

Exam Krackers

Kaplan Test Prep

Princeton Review





The Kosciuszko Foundation Tuition Scholarship Program

Lanzate Scholarship: Can help with Interview Travel Cost

National Medical Fellowships

Washington University in St. Louis, The Ann W. and Spencer T. Olin – Chancellor’s Fellowship

The Paul & Daisy Soros Fellowships for New Americans


Preprofessional Advising


403 Alfred Lerner Hall
2920 Broadway
New York, NY 10027

Call: 212-854-6378

Advising by Appointment

Mon - Fri, 9am - 5pm 

Prehealth Virtual Drop-In Advising Hours

Monday 12/9 is the last Day of Walk-in Hours for Fall 2024 

Mon - Thu, 12pm - 1pm 

Drop in Hours Zoom link*

*Drop in Hours are only for CC/SEAS undergraduate students