Honor Pledge
The Student Councils of Columbia College and Undergraduate Engineering, on behalf of their respective student body, have resolved that maintaining academic integrity is the preserve of all members of our intellectual community. As a consequence, all Columbia College and undergraduate Columbia Engineering students are committed to the following honor pledge:
We, the undergraduate students of Columbia University, hereby pledge to value the integrity of our ideas and the ideas of others by honestly presenting our work, respecting authorship, and striving not simply for answers but for understanding in the pursuit of our common scholastic goals. In this way, we seek to build an academic community governed by our collective efforts, diligence, and Code of Honor.
Honor Code
In addition, all Columbia College and undergraduate Columbia Engineering students are committed to the following honor code:
I affirm that I will not plagiarize, use unauthorized materials, or give or receive illegitimate help on assignments, papers, or examinations. I will also uphold equity and honesty in the evaluation of my work and the work of others. I do so to sustain a community built around this Code of Honor.
History of the Honor Code & Honor Pledge
Academic Integrity has always been an important value for undergraduates at Columbia. In 2013, the Columbia College and Columbia Engineering Honor code was created through a student- led initiative that began with the Columbia College Student Council Academic Integrity Task Force. Today the Honor Code continues to shape the academic culture of Columbia College and Columbia Engineering. Based on this collective understanding, academic integrity requires a commitment from all members of the CC and SEAS community when entering Columbia as an academic citizen.
Academic Affairs representatives from the Columbia College Student Council (CCSC) and the Engineering Student Council (ESC) continue the tradition each year of reciting the honor code during Convocation and signing the Honor Pledge and Honor Code during their Dean's welcome assemblies. During the Dean's assembly, incoming Columbia College and Columbia Engineering undergraduate students additionally receive an Honor pin to symbolize their commitment to "Wear the Crown with Honor" at Columbia and beyond.
Academic Integrity Values

The Academic Integrity values of Honesty, Trust, Fairness, Respect, Responsibility, and Courage come from the International Center for Academic Integrity. Each year that you are a student here, you will continue to hear periodic updates from the Director of Academic Integrity regarding how to continue to uphold your pledge to support our academic integrity values. Every one of us has a role to play in building our academic community of integrity.