Saturday Night at the Opera playlist for 04/13/2013

Symphony No. 1 in E Major, Op. 26, Mvt. VI
Choral Fantasy, Op. 80
Fidelio, Op. 72
Leonore Overature No. 1, Op. 138
Leonore Overature No. 2, Op. 72A
The theme of the evening has been freedom, its processes and struggles and joys, whether iterated in the poetry-music of Scriabin and Beethoven or in the great escape from darkness and injustice that is Fidelio, Beethoven's only opera. The centerpiece of the show was Fidelio, flanked by choral preludes that speak of related themes, and two postludes, overatures that Beethoven ended up not using in the final version of his opera (which was revised and revised multiple times between 1804 and 1814). Angela Denoke sang the part of Leonore; singing Florestan was Jon Villars, Don Pizarro was sung by Alan Held, Rocco by Laszlo Polgar, Marzelline by Juilane Banse, Jaquino by Rainer Trost, and Don Fernando was sung by Thomas Quasthoff.