Field Trip is a show founded in 2016 that focus on the music and practice of field recordings. Field recordings have a complex history both in America, think of Alan Lomax’s recordings, and beyond, think of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) collection. A field recording simply is music recorded outside of a studio. In this way, field recordings have been considered as especially authentic and live. However, the reality is, as always, much more complicated. Questions of race, culture, and aesthetics trouble a simple history of field recordings. On Field Trip, this music is our starting point to answering these questions and is brought to our listeners with thought and creativity. Tune in and you may catch field recordings that were recorded fifty years ago, others that were experimented with by your favorite Afternoon New Music artist, or even those documented in New York City by WKCR itself.
Field Trip
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{{ playlist.duration / 60 }} minutes | {{ playlist.spinsCount }} tracks
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