An eclectic mix of music, spanning the Baroque, Classical, Romantic, and Modern periods. Tune in to hear such composers as Bach, Shostakovich, Bartok, Stravinsky, Schubert, Janacek, Carter, Schoenberg, Haydn, Hindemith, Debussy, Part, Boulez, and many others. From time to time, we present entire shows focusing on everything from 19th century lieder to 20th century string quartets, from Bach's cantatas to Scriabin's piano works, from the American art song to modern Russian masters.
Cereal Music
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{{ playlist.start | date }}
{{ playlist.title }}
{{ playlist.duration / 60 }} minutes | {{ playlist.spinsCount }} tracks
{{ selectedPlaylist.start | date }}
{{ selectedPlaylist.title }}
{{ selectedPlaylist.duration / 60 }} minutes
- {{ i + 1 }}:
{{ spin.artist }} –
{{ }}
From {{ spin.release }} ({{ spin.released }})