Arts Archive

Studio A With Bianca Stone

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sun, 2 Oct 2016, 10:22pm

The following is a live interview and recording with Bianca Stone. Bianca is a poet and visual artist, and the author of Someone Else’s Wedding Vows, Poetry Comics From the Book of Hours, and artist/collaborator on a special illustrated edition of Anne Carson's Antigonick.

Episode 3

Submitted by Sarah Courville on Sun, 25 Sep 2016, 11:13pm

David Moscovich is the Romanian-American author of You Are Make Very Important Bathtime (JEF Books, Chicago, IL) and LIFE+70[Redacted], a print version of the single most expensive literary e-book to ever be hacked (forthcoming October 11, from Lit Fest Press.) He is the recipient of fellowships from New York University, Teachers & Writers Collaborative, and also sponsorship from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). He holds an MFA in Fiction from NYU and is editor and publisher of Louffa Press.

Episode 3

Submitted by Sarah Courville on Sun, 25 Sep 2016, 11:13pm

David Moscovich is the Romanian-American author of You Are Make Very Important Bathtime (JEF Books, Chicago, IL) and LIFE+70[Redacted], a print version of the single most expensive literary e-book to ever be hacked (forthcoming October 11, from Lit Fest Press.) He is the recipient of fellowships from New York University, Teachers & Writers Collaborative, and also sponsorship from the New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA). He holds an MFA in Fiction from NYU and is editor and publisher of Louffa Press.

Studio A With Jacqueline Bishop

Submitted by Sarah Courville on Sun, 18 Sep 2016, 10:31pm

The following is a live interview and recording with Jacqueline Bishop. The Gymnast & Other Positions is Jacqueline most recent book and has been awarded the 2016 OCM Bocas Award in Non-Fiction. She is also the author of the novel, The River’s Song; and two collections of poems,Fauna and Snapshots from Istanbul.

Studio A With Marcia Butler

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sun, 11 Sep 2016, 10:29pm

Marcia Butler’s life has been driven by creativity. For 25 years she performed throughout the world as a professional oboist. She was hailed by the New York Times as “a first rate artist” and performed with such luminaries as pianist Andre
Watts, soprano Dawn Upshaw and jazz great Keith Jarrett. In 2002 Marcia changed careers and began an interior design firm. She has served well over 100 clients and her design work has been published in shelter

Studio A With Jennifer Fitzgerald

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sun, 4 Sep 2016, 10:19pm

The following is a recording of a live reading and interview with Jen Fitzgerald. Jen is a poet, essayist, and a native New Yorker who received her MFA in Poetry at Lesley University. She is a community activist and freelance writer with experience in both the creative and professional spectrum. She is the host of New Books in Poetry Podcast as part of the New Books Network, a member of New York Writers Workshop, and was a Bread Loaf 2014 Conference participant.

Studio A With Charles Salzburg

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sun, 21 Aug 2016, 10:27pm

The following is a recording of a live interview and reading with Charles Salzberg. Charles is the author of the Henry Swann detective series, Swann's Last Song, which was nominated for a Shamus Award, Swann Dives In, and Swann's Lake of Despair, nominated for 2 Silver Falchions, and a finalist for the Beverly Hills Book Award and the Indie Excellence Award. His novel, Devil in the Hole, based on a true crime, was named one of the best crime novels in 2013. In his latest, Triple Shot, Twist of Fate is one of the three novellas.

Studio A With Yvonne Cassidy

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sun, 14 Aug 2016, 10:27pm

Yvonne Cassidy was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland and moved to New York in 2011. Yvonne is the author of three novels published by Hachette: The Other Boy, What Might Have Been Me and How Many Letters Are In Goodbye? In addition to being published widely in Europe, How Many Letters Are In Goodbye? was published in the U.S. by Llewellyn YA imprint Flux in March 2016.

Studio A With Dennis Norris II and Robert Balun

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sun, 26 Jun 2016, 10:41pm

The following is a recording of a live reading and interview with Dennis Norris II and Robert Balun. Dennis is a graduate of Haverford College and holds an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction) from Sarah Lawrence College. His fiction appears in Bound Off: An Online Literary Audio Magazine and Madcap Review. He has won awards and fellowships for his short fiction from the Hurston/Wright Foundation, the NYS Summer Writers Institute, VONA, and the Vermont Studio Center, and in 2015 was named a Kimbilio Fiction Fellow.

Gregory Moss

Submitted by Charlie Fuertsch on Fri, 24 Jun 2016, 4:38pm

Gregory Moss is a playwright and educator. His play “Indian Summer” explores summer romance at a beach town in Rhode Island. WKCR programmer Kally Patz talks with Mr. Moss about Rhode Island’s eccentric locals, his fascination with Shakespeare, and the role of time in his play.

Studio A With Christopher Kondrich and Meghan Gilligan

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sun, 24 Apr 2016, 10:40pm

The following is a live reading and recording with Christopher Kondrich and Meghan Gilligan. Chris is the author of Contrapuntal (Parlor Press, 2013). He is the winner of The Iowa Review Award for Poetry (selected by Srikanth Reddy), and The Paris-American Reading Series Prize. His poetry appears or is forthcoming in Boston Review, Colorado Review, Gulf Coast, The Iowa Review, The Kenyon Review, and elsewhere. He edits Tupelo Quarterly, and lives and teaches in Providence, RI. Meghan is a Writing MFA Candidate at Columbia University, concentrating in creative nonfiction.

Studio A With Sukriti Yadava

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Sat, 23 Apr 2016, 10:31am

The following is an interview and reading with Sukriti Yadava. Sukriti holds an MFA in Creative Nonfiction from Columbia University, and was Publisher of Columbia: A Journal of Literature and Art. She has written for Apogee Journal and Vox, and read at Columbia's "Gallery,” Sarah Lawrence's "6 X 6,” and the Our Word reading series. She was one of five students chosen by Columbia to attend the 2014 World Writer’s Festival in Paris, and worked for the 2015 Irrawaddy Literary Festival in Myanmar.

Studio A With Gordon Haber and Oliva Ciacci

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Mon, 18 Apr 2016, 6:13pm

The following is a live reading and interview with Gordon Haber and Olivia Ciacci. Gordon writes fiction, criticism and journalism. His nonfiction work investigates the nexus of religion and culture. His recent fiction includes the novellas FALSE ECONOMIES and ADJUNCTIVITIS. Gordon's awards include a Fulbright Fellowship to Poland and a residency at the MacDowell Colony. In 2013, Gordon launched Dutch Kills, which publishes New York City's finest artisanal e-books. Gordon does not live in Brooklyn. Olivia is working towards her MFA in fiction at Columbia University.

Studio A With Erika Luckert and Avia Tadmor

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Mon, 4 Apr 2016, 5:48pm

The following is a live recording and interview with Erika Luckert and Avia Tadmor. Erika is a poet from Edmonton, Canada. She completed a BA in English and Creative Writing at the University of Alberta before moving to New York City to pursue her MFA in Poetry at Columbia University. Erika was a nominee for the Canadian National Magazine Award in Poetry, and her work has been published or is forthcoming in Room Magazine, Glass Buffalo, The Prairie Journal, The Belleville Park Pages, and others. She also teaches creative writing and translates poetry from the French.

Studio A With Jay Deshpande and Gint Aras

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Tue, 29 Mar 2016, 5:42pm

The following is a recording of live readings and interviews with Jay Deshpande and Gint Aras. Jay is the author of Love the Stranger (YesYes Books), named one of the top debuts of 2015 by Poets & Writers. A Kundiman fellow, he has held residencies at the Saltonstall Arts Colony and the Vermont Studio Center and was selected for the 2015 Scotti Merrill Memorial Award by Billy Collins. Poems have appeared in Boston Review, Sixth Finch, the PEN Poetry Series, Poem-a-Day, Prelude, and elsewhere.

Studio A With Matthew Di Paoli and Stephen Cicirelli

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Mon, 21 Mar 2016, 5:37pm

The following is a recording of live readings and interviews with Matthew Di Paoli and Stephen Cicirelli. Matthew Di Paoli received his BA at Boston College where he won the Dever Fellowship and the Cardinal Cushing Award for Creative Writing. He has also been nominated for the 2015 and 2016 Pushcart Prize and won the Prism Review Short Story Contest. Matthew earned his MFA in Fiction at Columbia University. He has been published in Post Road, The Great American Literary Magazine, Neon, Bartelby Snopes, The Soundings Review, and Gigantic literary magazines among others.

Studio A With Tyehimba Jess

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Mon, 14 Mar 2016, 2:32pm

The following is a recording of a live reading and interview with Tyehimba Jess. Detroit native Tyehimba Jess’ first book of poetry, leadbelly, was a winner of the 2004 National Poetry Series. The Library Journal and Black Issues Book Review both named it one of the “Best Poetry Books of 2005.” Jess, a Cave Canem and NYU Alumni, received a 2004 Literature Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts, and was a 2004-2005 Winter Fellow at the Provincetown Fine Arts Work Center.

William Hooker

Submitted by Sarah Kerson on Mon, 7 Mar 2016, 12:49pm

William Hooker is an improvisational musician. His performance alongside Oscar Micheax's film "Between Our Gates" premiered at Joe's Pub in New York City on March 6th.

Studio A With Cathie Wright-Lewis

Submitted by Danielle Smith on Mon, 7 Mar 2016, 12:14am

The following is a recording of a live interview and reading with Cathie Wright-Lewis. Cathie is a lover of Linguistics, Ancient History, Education and Metaphysics. Simultaneously quenching her thirst for a daily dose of discourse with classic authors and molding young minds, she served the New York City public school system as a high school English teacher for 30 years.

Music Photographer Jim Cummins

Submitted by Sarah Kerson on Thu, 3 Mar 2016, 1:18pm

Meena Ardebili speaks with photographer Jim Cummins. He's best known for the album covers of Jimi Hendrix, Ella Fitzgerald, Duke Ellington, Janis Joplin, and many others. He has a new show opening at the Morrison Hotel Gallery in SoHo, where select photographs from his large body of work will be displayed. In this interview, Cummins talks about his start in the arts, and how his background in arts influenced his start in photography.

200 Years of Emma

Submitted by Sarah Kerson on Sun, 28 Feb 2016, 1:29pm

Emma, Jane Austen’s 4th published novel, celebrates 200 years of publication this year. Kerri Spennicchia and Laurie Morison from the Jane Austen Society of North America are in studio to talk about this beloved novel, the delightful but infuriating Emma Woodhouse, and why we still love to read the timeless Jane Austen.


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