Lahore meets Brooklyn where the Hudson flows down from Himalayan headwaters. A magical world of global sounds comes alive when superstar Pakistani vocalist Zeb Bangash joins forces with a retinue of leading Brooklyn musicians led by clarinetist/composer Michael Winograd to unlock the secrets of Pakistan’s traditional musics – a culturally diverse region conjuring cosmopolitan Silk Road cities, ecstatic mystics, Dravidian settlements lost to the sands of time, as well as the contemporary complexities of post-colonial nationhood. SANDARAA explores a vast repertoire of South Asian musical traditions while blending it with the sounds and sensibilities of Eastern Europe, the Balkans, and Brooklyn!
Sandaraa will be playing at Le Poisson Rouge on Saturday May 17th, 8pm. For more information, please visit http://www.sandaraa.com/ or http://www.lepoissonrouge.com/lpr_events/from-the-balkans-to-balochistan-a-concert-and-dance-party-may-17th-2014/