Tune in this Wednesday at 10pm to listen to a live performance and interview with Arthur Kampela and guests. Born in Brazil, Kampela is currently a Professor in the Music Department at Columbia University and recipient of the 2014 Guggenheim Award for Creative Arts. On Nueva Canción y Demás, he will present his avant-garde works and for Som do Brasil, his version of Bossa Nova. Here's the line-up for Nueva Cancíon (live performer in parenthesis):
1) Guitar: Percussion studies 1&2 (Arthur Kampela)
2) Phalanges for solo harp solo (Jacqi Kerod)
3) Gestures for solo violin (Gregor Kitzis)
4) Happy Days for flute and electronics (Margaet Lancaster - Flute)
5) A slice of his Sting Quartet, a knife all blade [uma faca só lâmina - after Joao Cabral] (Momenta String Quartet)