9:30 AM December 21, 2009 (Mon) – 6 PM December 31, 2009 (Thurs)
The Classical Department of WKCR-FM presents the annual Bach Festival 2009. For the full duration of the eleven days running from December 21 through New Year's Eve, WKCR (89.9 FM, wkcr.org and iTunes Radio) will dedicate all broadcasting to the music and influence of Johann Sebastian Bach. The BachFest has been a tradition at WKCR for over twenty-five years, and this year's festival promises to be one of the best.
This year’s theme will be Bach Around the World, exploring Bach’s multinational impact around the globe. Rather than highlighting similarities and differences between countries, the primary focus will be to explore the fluidity of Bach throughout the globe and across time simply by letting the music speak for itself. The music shows how people who have never met, who live on opposites sides of the world, and who perhaps never even lived simultaneously have been united through the tradition of Bach’s music.
The familiar voices of WKCR classical hosts will be augmented by a number of esteemed guest speakers and instrumentalists from New York and beyond. Their expertise will address Bach’s influence around the world throughout the Festival.
The festival will be organized by country and/or region, which will allow for different recordings of the same pieces to be played at various points throughout the festival, ensuring that listeners will have multiple opportunities to hear their favorite works. For most of the festival, a specific number of days or hours will be dedicated to the countries and regions that have produced significant amounts of Bach recordings.
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