Episode 11 of The Monkey Cage live from the food court at Costco with Robert Mitchum, Dr Larry Mudhead, sergiomessina.com, Dr Robert, Dudie K, slut shaming, Count Basie in Hoss's Flat, Jane Brill's godfather Sonny Payne, Frank Cipolla on Big Oil, Millie Glocken's Ostrich Effect, Steely Dan, aspiring Bodhisatva Gary Horn, Trump 'n' Rudy, Sherman Boim from Brooklyn, Ornette Coleman's jazz freedom, treasonous differential equations, unacceptable aerial hairstyles, Russian manicurist Ivinka Kordikova is soaking in it, oligarchic election fraud, and the Beatles.
Date Broadcast:
Monday, May 9, 2016
Audio File: