Preprofessional Opportunities

Lenox Hill Hospital - Brainterns


Category: Volunteer
Type: Clinical
Location: New York New York
Deadline: Early June


Ashley Rosenberg, Course Director,


Interested in a career in healthcare? Want to work closely with renowned surgeons, PAs, NPs and administrative staff at Lenox Hill Hospital's Neurosurgery Department? Looking for a way to increase your work experience and enhance your CV's? Lenox Hill Neurosurgery's BRAINterns program is right for you! 

The BRAINterns Webinar Series is a groundbreaking program offered by the Lenox Hill Department of Neurosurgery for anyone interested in healthcare. Due to this new remote environment, we are living in, we will be offering this program online and enabling that valuable “shadowing” experience through virtual platforms. Through webinars on relevant topics, academic seminars led by leaders from our Lenox Hill Neurosurgery department, and projects focused on the ins and outs of applying to medical school, working for a neurosurgical practice, surgical video editing, and innovation in the clinical research world, students will get an opportunity to learn from renowned surgeons, PAs, NPs and administrative staff to increase their work experience and enhance their CVs.!