Columbia University in the City of New York, welcomes applications to the Howard University-Columbia College Exchange Program. This program provides Howard University undergraduate students with the opportunity to study at Columbia College for 1 to 2 semesters. The program is designed to broaden their college experience and is intended as a supplement to the undergraduate program at Howard University.
Successful candidates will have completed one full year of college credit by the time of enrollment with at least a 3.0 grade point average. Students must also be in good standing with Howard University and should be recommended by the Exchange Program Coordinator at your university.
Application Process
Applications for the Program are accepted for both fall (September) and spring (January) semesters. Students may enroll for a maximum of two semesters, either consecutive fall/spring semesters or spring and then the following fall semester. Desired length of enrollment should be indicated at the time of application. Students should submit application materials to the Howard Exchange Program Coordinator by the appropriate deadline.
Application Deadlines
- For enrollment beginning in the fall semester, the application deadline is March 15. Students will be notified of final decision by mid-June.
- For enrollment beginning in the spring semester, the application deadline is November 1. Students will be notified of final decision by mid-December.
Program Costs
While exchange students continue to pay the Howard University tuition rate directly to Howard University as scheduled, housing costs, dining costs and other mandatory university fees, should be paid directly to Columbia University.
- Mandatory Enrollment Fees
- Student Life Fee
- Orientation Fee
- Health and Related Services Fee
- Document Fee
- Health Insurance Fee (unless you request a waiver).
- Housing Costs
- Dining Plans
Financial Aid
Financial Aid from Columbia University is not available for exchange students. Students receiving financial aid should discuss financing options with their home institution's Financial Aid Office.
Exchange Students are guaranteed housing and are expected to live in campus housing. Visit the Undergraduate Housing website for more details on available housing accommodations. While we cannot guarantee placement in a specific residence hall, students will have the opportunity to indicate their housing preferences on the housing application. The housing application will be available on line approximately 1 month prior to the beginning of each semester.
Course Selection and Registration
Exchange Students must maintain full-time student status by registering for a minimum of 12 points per semester and cannot exceed 18 points per semester.
With the exception of Columbia College Core Courses, Exchange Students are eligible to enroll in many courses for undergraduate students (including courses in Columbia College, The School of Engineering, and Barnard College). As you browse the CU directory of classes, make sure that the course is open to "Columbia College" (This notation will be provided at the bottom of the pop-up window that displays course details). However, since some courses for undergraduates have limited enrollment or departmental restrictions, we cannot guarantee enrollment or placement in any class. With this in mind, we encourage students to create a wide selection of courses prior to registration. Courses in other divisions of Columbia University are generally not available to exchange students.
For more information about how to read the course listings, click HERE.
Online registration will be available to exchange students approximately 2 to 3 weeks prior to the beginning of each semester. More details regarding on line registration will be provided upon admission.
Campus Resources
Exchange Students may take advantage of most of the programs and activities available to Columbia College students. They will be assigned to an advising dean within the Center for Student Advising who will assist with course selection and connect them with campus resources. In addition, they may take advantage of advising through the Center for Career Education (such as career fairs, workshops and panels and networking nights) with the exceptions of on-campus recruiting, the national and international internship programs and individual counseling. Exchange students can participate in any extra-curricular organization with the exception of our Division I athletic teams.
Program Contact
Dawn Hemphill
Advising Dean/Howard-Columbia Exchange Coordinator
Center for Student Advising
403 Lerner Hall