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Shane Spring CC'24

Award Recognition

Inclusion and Advocacy
Van Am Prize
Shane Spring's commitment to public service and campus inclusivity have been foundational to his involvement with the Columbia Organization of Rising Entrepreneurs (CORE), the Latinx Professional and Educational Network (LPEN), and Students of Color @ Columbia (SOCAB). As co-lead of CORE Elevate, an initiative dedicated to highlighting underrepresented founders within the entrepreneurial ecosystem, Shane organized a Latinx Heritage Month speaker series featuring cutting edge startups that drew over 140 attendees in the fall semester and organized CORE's first-ever Black History Month series that included a Black Student Entrepreneurship Panel featuring Black student founders from Columbia and Barnard. Through LPEN, Shane organized multiple events in collaboration with the Hispanic Business Association at Columbia Business School to expose Latinx students to opportunities in business. Likewise, with SOCAB, Shane aided in the execution of speaker events and social media initiatives aimed at providing resources and programming for students of color on campus.
I'm honored to have won the Van Am Prize and the Inclusion and Advocacy Award. This school year has been filled with new challenges and adjustments, but I am so grateful to God for how He continues to work all things for good. I would not be where I am today without the support of my family. I love you guys so much; thank you for raising me into the man I am today.