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Venice Ohleyer CC'22

Venice Ohleyer

Award Recognition

Columbia Spirit
Venice Ohleyer is a senior in Columbia College majoring in Creative Writing from Brooklyn, NY. She is a proud transfer, soup connoisseur, orientation leader, writer, actor, and comedian. She’d like to thank her improv group Fruit Paunch, of which she is president, for giving her more laughs, memories and lasting friendships than she ever could have hoped for. She’d also like to thank CUSS*, Memento Mori Stand-Up, Rat Rock, Blue & White, Spec, Potluck House, and Deantini.
Thank you to my friends and peers for constantly inspiring me and always encouraging me to be my full self, whether that be through laughing at my jokes, complimenting my outfits, or sharing my commitment to dance parties. Thank you Papa, John, and Nana for showing me how to live every day with spirit and a healthy dose of insanity. Thank you to my parents, Mace and Stuart; I do it all for you, or whatever.