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Hiba Hanoune CC'22

Hiba Hanoune

Award Recognition

Inclusion and Advocacy
Hiba Hanoune stands out as an utter beacon of positivity, thoughtfulness, and warmth. Hiba has consistently been a support system for those around her, cultivating a safe space for her friends to express their identity and have a taste of home away-from-home. Day after day, Hiba consistently takes her passions of inclusion, her unwavering perseverance, and willingness to help others to new levels. During any conversation, Hiba actively ensures all voices are heard, all perspectives discussed, and all emotions validated. Moreover, Hiba has been actively involved in the Columbia Freedom and Citizenship Center as a mentor to High School students. Not only does this role complement Hiba’s commitment to civic engagement, it truly brought out her commitment to others and willingness to give back. Her excitement within her role is apparent and vivid as her smile and excitement shine brightly when she recollects her experiences with her mentees.
I am deeply honored to receive this award. I'd like to thank the faculty, staff, and friends who have all supported me during my time at Columbia. Most importantly, thank you to Mama and Baba, and my incredible siblings Yousra, Abir, Abdeladim, and Yassine for always being there for me.