Instructions for Uploading Images

Before following these instructions, it will be necessary to login to the site, and navigate to the page you wish to upload images to. It is also necessary to resize your images before attempting to upload them to the size.
  1. In the content editing window, click the Image widget button.
  2. In the window that pops up, there is a tab labeled "Insert/edit image". If the image you want to add already exists online, you can add the image by entering the URL beginning with "http://", in the Image URL field. Otherwise. Click on the browse icon (Browse button icon) next to the field to select or upload an image.
  3. In the new window that pops up you will see a Windows Explorer-style interface. This does not show files on your computer; instead it displays files that have been previously uploaded to the website. You can select an existing image (clicking once on a file will show a preview of the image in the bottom of the window) or upload a new image:
    • To Upload, click the "Upload" button and select a file on your computer using the "Choose file" button. After selecting an image, press the "Upload" button. The image should now appear in the list of files in the window.
    • To use a file that you uploaded, or to use a file that was previously uploaded: use the file browser to locate the file. Click on the file name. When you do so the file will be highlighted and you will see a preview of the image. Click on the "Send to tinymce" button at the top of the window.
  4. A file path will now appear in the Image URL form field. You may add an image description, which will be shown as alternate text for users with disabilities.
  5. You may adjust the alignment of the image by selecting an option from the "Alignment" select box. 
  6. When you are finished, click the green "Insert" button at the bottom of the window. Your image will appear in the text editing field. 

Please note: to see what the image will look like on the published page, view a preview of the page you are editing.